Pillars of the Bafut Kingdom

  1. Cultural Heritage: The Bafut Kingdom has a rich cultural heritage that has been passed down for generations. It is a source of pride and identity for the people of Bafut, and it has inspired many to learn more about their history and traditions.
  1. Community: The people of Bafut are known for their strong sense of community and unity. They support one another in times of need, and they work together to achieve common goals. This spirit of community has inspired many to take action and make a positive difference in the world.
  1. Education: Education has always been a priority in the Bafut Kingdom. The Bafut Palace School, founded in 1904, was one of the first formal schools in Cameroon. Today, education remains a key pillar of the Bafut community, inspiring many to pursue their dreams and achieve their full potential.
  1. Environmental Stewardship: The Bafut Kingdom is home to a diverse array of flora and fauna, and the people of Bafut have long recognized the importance of protecting their environment. They have implemented sustainable practices and conservation efforts, inspiring others to do the same and work towards a healthier planet.
  1. Entrepreneurship: The Bafut Kingdom has a thriving entrepreneurial spirit, with many small businesses and cooperatives working to create economic opportunities and support local communities. This spirit of entrepreneurship has inspired many to take risks, pursue their passions, and contribute to the growth and development of their communities.

The Pillars Of The Bafut Kingdom

Be sure to hold these pillars of  very close to your heart. May God guide you on the right path. Take a closer look at these.

Cultural Heritage










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