Our Website


The Bafut Manjong Los Angeles website is a platform dedicated to promoting the culture, traditions, and heritage of the Bafut people who reside in the United States in general and California in particular. The website serves as a hub for Bafut people in the Los Angeles area to connect, share ideas, and engage in activities that promote their cultural heritage.

The website provides information about upcoming events, such as cultural festivals, dances, and other celebrations, and invites members of the community to participate. Additionally, the website offers resources for those who are interested in learning more about the Bafut people and their traditions, including information about traditional clothing, food, music, and dance.

The Bafut Manjong Los Angeles website is also a place for Bafut people to connect with one another and share their experiences. Members can create profiles, connect with others, and share stories, photos, and videos related to their cultural heritage.

It is a valuable resource for Bafut people in the United States who want to stay connected to their roots and promote their culture and traditions to others.

Bafut Manjong Cultural Association Los Angeles is a 501c3 non-profit organization that brings together the Bafut people in the Los Angeles area, who share a rich cultural heritage from Cameroon. Established in the late 1990s and early 2000s, our association provides a platform for Bafut citizens to connect, celebrate their traditions, and promote their cultural heritage in the United States.

Beyond our cultural mission, we are committed to serving the community and making a positive impact worldwide. As a public charity, we have dedicated our efforts to supporting disaster relief and community work in the United States, as well as development projects in Cameroon. With our website, we aim to share our story, values, and ongoing initiatives with a broader audience and raise awareness of the Bafut culture and community.

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